
If you are having problems with Tiny PXE Server then a packet trace and a log file may assist you with troubleshooting.

If the error is due to a bug in Tiny PXE Server then the program author may be able to assist. Please contact the program author via the Bug Reports, Requests, HowTo's about Tiny PXE Server thread on A wireshark packet trace and logfile and is likely to be requested.

The iPXE Capturing a packet trace page details a complex setup using an "Interceptor Machine" for packet tracing - this may be useful if you have the required hardware.

Page contents -

Packet Trace

Download wireshark from here (version 2.2.4 used during testing).

The screenshots below have been captured from Wireshark Legacy.

Start Wireshark Legacy and select the interface to capture from (use the same interface that Tiny PXE Server is listening on (displayed in the Option 54 (DHCP Server)* field)) > then click on the Start button (located in the Capture section above the list of available interfaces) -

Or alternatively, press the Ctrl+I keys to open the Wireshark: Capture Interfaces options > select the required interface > click on the Start button -

Ensure Tiny PXE Server is running and boot the Client system. wireshark will display all network traffic on the selected interface -

After capturing the required information, Stop the capture (press the Ctrl+E keys - or Capture (tab) > Stop) and save the packet trace (press the Ctrl+S keys - or File (tab) > Save).


The Tiny PXE Server logging function was removed in build (Feb 12, 2017 - 19:29). A syslog daemon (syslogd.exe) is now included in the Tiny PXE Server download.

Add the following to C:\pxesrv\config.ini -

Start the syslog daemon - Tiny PXE Server will now log to C:\pxesrv\log.txt - review this file as required for troubleshooting, etc.

Screenshot of the syslog daemon GUI (this will not be visible if running syslogd.exe as a service) -

And sample output to C:\pxesrv\log.txt -

Document date - 28th February 2017(DRAFT)