bcdboot /? Bcdboot - Bcd boot file creation and repair tool. The bcdboot.exe command-line tool is used to copy critical boot files to the system partition and to create a new system BCD store. bcdboot [/l ] [/s [/f ]] [/v] [/vbcd] [/m [{OS Loader ID}]] [/addlast] [/p] [/c] source Specifies the location of the windows system root. /l Specifies an optional locale parameter to use when initializing the BCD store. The default is US English. /s Specifies an optional volume letter parameter to designate the target system partition where boot environment files are copied. The default is the system partition identified by the firmware. /v Enables verbose mode. /vbcd Enables BCD logging. /m If an OS loader GUID is provided, this option merges the given loader object with the system template to produce a bootable entry. Otherwise, only global objects are merged. /d Specifies that the existing default windows boot entry should be preserved. /f Used with the /s command, specifies the firmware type of the target system partition. Options for are 'UEFI', 'BIOS', or 'ALL'. /addlast Specifies that the windows boot manager firmware entry should be added last. The default behavior is to add it first. /bcdclean Clean the BCD Store. By default, simply removes any duplicate entries in the BCD. Can be followed by 'full'. In this case, each entry is scanned. If the corresponding device for that entry does not exist, the entry is deleted. /p Specifies that the windows boot manager firmware entry position should be preserved. If entry does not exist, new entry will be added in the first position. /c Specifies that any existing objects described by the template should not be migrated. Examples: bcdboot c:\windows /l en-us bcdboot c:\windows /s h: bcdboot c:\windows /s h: /f UEFI bcdboot c:\windows /m {d58d10c6-df53-11dc-878f-00064f4f4e08} bcdboot c:\windows /d /addlast bcdboot c:\windows /p