The Context Menu

Page Contents -

Selecting New (e.g. 'New' > 'Folder') Freezes Windows

This fix was reported by ChrisR (see here)

When using the right-click context menu New (e.g. New > Folder) the system freezes. This issue only affects Windows 10.0.15063 builds.

File Dependencies:
N/A - None

Registry Settings/Dependencies:

reg.exe batch file commands -

.reg file (import using regedit.exe) -

OfflineReg batch file commands -

Remove 'Pin To Start' from the Context Menu

The Pin to Start context menu option is not working correctly in a Windows Preinstallation Environment.

File Dependencies:
N/A - None

Registry Settings\Dependencies:

reg.exe batch file commands -

.reg file (import using regedit.exe) -

OfflineReg batch file commands -

Remove 'Pin To Taskbar' from the Context Menu

The Pin to Taskbar context menu option is not working correctly in a Windows Preinstallation Environment.

File Dependencies:
N/A - None

Registry Settings\Dependencies:

reg.exe batch file commands -

.reg file (import using regedit.exe) -

OfflineReg batch file commands -

Remove 'Send To' from the Context Menu

The Send To context menu option is not working correctly in a Windows Preinstallation Environment.

File Dependencies:
N/A - None

Registry Settings\Dependencies:

reg.exe batch file commands -

.reg file (import using regedit.exe) -

OfflineReg batch file commands -

Open CMD Prompt

Add an option to the context menu titled Command Prompt and use it to open a command prompt with root set as either the target directory or drive.

File Dependencies:
N/A - None

Registry Settings\Dependencies:

reg.exe batch file commands -

.reg file (import using regedit.exe) -

OfflineReg batch file commands -

Document date - 17th February 2018