Issues -
The installation hangs on the following screen -
Tiny PXE Server log -
Add driver .inf file for the client's network adapter to C:\pxesrv\files\INF directory.
File *.sys caused an error (E.g. File pcntpci5.sys caused an unexpected error (21) at line 3788 in d:\xpsp\base\boot\setup\setup.c.) -
Tiny PXE Server log -
The *.sys specified in the driver *.inf could not be loaded.
Copy the .sys file (E.g. pcntpci5.sys) to you Windows source file directory (e.g. C:\pxesrv\files\winxp\I386)
Error message File caused an unexpected error (21) at line 3788 in d:\xpsp\base\boot\setup\setup.c. - no filename specified -
Tiny PXE Server log -
Note that the client is attempting to load the following files -
This is an issue with Tiny PXE Server's built in BINL service. Try using an alternative BINL service (see here).
Splash screen loads successfully, but is followed by a BSOD *** STOP: 0x000000BB error -
This may be an issue with Tiny PXE Server's built in BINL service. Try using an alternative BINL service (see here).
Installation hangs at the splashscreen -
Log entry -
This is most likely due to a share issue.
Ensure that the share containing your source files (e.g. C:\pxesrv\files) is setup as a Null Session Share (see here).
Document date - 28th February 2017(DRAFT)